Sunday, January 24, 2016

Course Projects

1) The thing I am most nervous about is the primary research portion of the Rhetorical Investigation. I know I am going to struggle trying to figure out what to ask as well as executing the actual interview.

2) I am most excited about the Reflective Self-Assessment. The purpose of this course is for me to improve my writing and I am excited to see how far I have progressed throughout the semester.  I am also interested in seeing how my writing process has developed to see if I have made any actual change.

3) I have to plan ahead for the interviews for the Rhetorical Investigation, I also have to plan ahead for times to work on all of the four projects so that I do not procrastinate.

4) I personally feel that my high school English classes have done a good job in preparing me for this course. My personal proof-reading improved dramatically because of my high school classes.  I bring to class the knowledge of writing research papers.

5) I do not have any questions as of now but I can easily see this changing as I go further into the class and the projects.

Response to my Peers: (Nicolas Hoover)  (Michael Duffek)

1 comment:

  1. Note on conventions of the blog post genre: Revisit Step 1.5 from "Deadline 1" to re-familiarize yourself with the conventions of blogging. You're missing one item on the bulleted list of conventions there.
