Sunday, January 24, 2016

My Writing Process

  1.  The type of writer I consider myself to be is a mix between a Heavy Planner and a Procrastinator.
  2. Yes, my writing process includes several of the aforementioned approaches such as habitually delaying my writing, thoughtfully planning out my writing, and thinking about my writing in any type of my environment.
  3. My writing process does tend to be successful. The strengths of my approach to writing are the ability to plan my writing in any situation and to structure out my writing carefully. The biggest weakness of my writing approach is that I usually delay writing until the last minute.
  4. I do think it would be beneficial to try a different approach because I feel as though it would improve my writing. By not procrastinating and putting in more time to revise, I think it would help better my writing increasingly. 

1 comment:

  1. Note on conventions of the blog post genre: Revisit Step 1.5 from "Deadline 1" to re-familiarize yourself with the conventions of blogging. You're missing one item on the bulleted list of conventions there.
