Sunday, January 31, 2016

Considering Genre

 Naranjo, Fernando. "Podcast" 09/30/2014 via slideshare. Public Domain Dedication License
This post will be about the genre I am choosing  to do for Project 1.

The genre I am choosing to do my project on is a podcast.  I am doing this because I want to get the podcast out of the way. I want to have a relaxed end of semester so I am trying to get all the tough projects out of the way.

The genre conventions I plan on doing for next week is the audio for the podcasts. I plan on finding where I can check out a microphone as well as any other equipment I may need to make this podcast. I know that I need to check them out in advance as to ensure that I get the equipment to make the podcast. 

Some problems I anticipate is having a difficult time editing the audio. I have no experience with formatting audio so I already know this will be a big problem for me. 

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