Sunday, January 31, 2016

Evaluation of New York Times Stories

Stern, Joanna. "New York Times Website Hacked, Syrian Electronic Army Appear to Take Credit" 08/27/2013 via newyorktimes. Public Domain Dedication License

This post will be about two New York Times articles that I am breaking down for Sean Bottai English 109H Class. The first story I will be analyzing is "With No Détente, Donald Trump’s Feud With Fox Takes Center Stage" by Jim Gutenberg in the Politics session. The second story I will be analyzing is "Scientists Move Closer to Understanding Schizophrenia’s Cause" Benedict Carey. 

For the first story the main character seemed to be Donald Trump. He is the center of the story because he has had a feud with Fox News over the the past weeks in regards to a comment made by a Fox News anchor about him. It has been taking place all over the news as well as social media sites. This is because Trump is stating he will not participate in the Republican Debate which primarily is hosted on Fox News.

Donald Trump is a big attraction for ratings and viewings so having him miss the debate could be a catastrophic for Fox News. He demands that Fox News have Megan Kelly, the news anchor that made the comments, removed from the debate if they expect him to attend. Fox News so far has been seeing if Donald Trump will cave in and go on the debate as he could potentially lose votes for this seeing as how it is nationally broadcasted. Both sides appear to be standing strong in their beliefs and we may be seeing this through the debate.

The second story was about how researches have discovered the steps by which genes can increase a person’s risk of developing schizophrenia. The main character in this story seems to be the scientists from Harvard Medical School, Boston Children’s Hospital and the Broad Institute, a research center allied with Harvard and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology who discovered these steps.  The presentation of these findings takes place in the journal, Nature. This has been a primary question for patients with schizophrenia so these findings play a huge role in understanding what schizophrenia is and maybe how to stop it. 

There is no disagreements going on about this as the entire field seems rejoiced for such findings. However ,Dr. Samuel Barondes warned that "any step forward is not only rare and unusual, it’s just one step in a journey of a thousand miles.”

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