Sunday, January 24, 2016

Investigating Genres

Genre of Choice: Quick Reference Guide

1) The purpose of this genre is to break down complex situations into an easy-to-follow narrative that provides readers not just with information, but a nuanced understanding of the context for that information.

2) Users usually find this genre on the internet on blogs or other online news promoting outlets.

3) The typical audience for this genre are internet users and people with internet availability. This is because quick reference guides are usually found on the internet thus the usual audience are those who access the internet.

4) Something unique to the quick reference guides are questions that break down a broad topic into more specific subtopics. These questions make it easy for a reader to find out what they are looking for in a topic without having to read the entire article.

5) Based on my previous answers I would define a Quick Reference Guide as a web post that uses short directed questions to break down and explain a more general broader topic.

Reflection: From this assignment, I learned a lot from my classmates. The information written in their Quick Reference Guides were all very informative and made me realize how taking different approaches to my writing may actually improve it.

Commented Under:

  1. (PJ Noghrehchi)
  2. (Jacob Corbin)


  1. Hi Nicolas,

    Thanks for organizing your answers into an easy-to-read manner. I agree with your definition for a quick reference guide. For your first response, however, I thought you were quoting a defintion due to your use of quotation marks. I was unsure if this was an actual quote, as a verbatim search yielded no results. If it isn't then there is no need to use quotation marks, a citation for the source would suffice.

  2. I agree this was a really easy to read post. It got to the point of what a quick reference guide is for those who aren't really sure. I think the answer to to who is the audience is a little broad, but for the most part this was an informative post. Thanks!

  3. Note on conventions of the blog post genre: Revisit Step 1.5 from "Deadline 1" to re-familiarize yourself with the conventions of blogging. You're missing one item on the bulleted list of conventions there.
