Sunday, March 27, 2016

Production Report B

This blog post will be similar to the "Production Report A" blog except I will be discussing a different part of my rough draft.

Outline Item

  • Genre 1 (Powerpoint Conferences) 
    • Quick Intro
    • Audience 
    • Purpose
    • Genre Conventions
Adaptation of Outline

This leads me to the second genre that is common in my writing field is PowerPoint/conference presentations. As a researcher’s credibility grows, conferences in his field begin to invite him to speak. The audience at these conferences is comprised of researchers in his field as well as graduate students that work under them. Thus the writing and level of language can be advanced because it is catered to the people he is presenting to. This also builds the credibility of the presenter by showing that he is well versed in his field and knows a great deal about what he is talking about.
PowerPoint conference presentations can have two main purposes, either to inform people about what is new or exciting in the field or to inform people about some research they have done. Both presentations still have a similar makeup. Usually the first slides are to introduce the speaker and build their credibility. The following slides are used to discuss whatever the presentation is about and the last slides are a conclusion and reference slides. The slides themselves contain about 3-4 bullet points with each bullet point only containing a few words. The bullet points are mainly used to help the presenter remember where he is in the presentation and for the audience to get the main points of the presentation across. They try to use the least amount of words possible so that the audience is not just reading the presentation straight from the slide. Also, the use of graphs and charts is extremely common as a way to better present the data collected.

Audience Questions

How did you decide to use form to present your content in the raw material you’ve shared here? How did the conventions of your chosen genre influence your choices?

Like in my previous post, the standard college essay has very strict conventions. These conventions limit what I can do with my information and how I can express it. I just wrote in paragraph form and decided to blend the topics I discussed about the specific genre into one paragraph. 

How did the production of this raw material go? What kinds of any hiccups, challenges, successes, creative epiphanies, etc. occurred during the process?

The biggest hiccup I had was realizing I did not have a lot of information about Powerpoint conference presentations. Unlike the other genre I used, I did not need a separate paragraph for each thing I discussed. This is why you will find me talking about the audience and purpose in one paragraph when it was initially meant to be two. Secondly I did not use in-text citations which is something I did not realize was a convention of the Standard College Essay. For my final draft I will add some in-text citations. 

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