Thursday, April 28, 2016

Production Schedule

Here is a rough idea on how I will break down my final project.

April 29
What: Production Blogs
Where: Study Rooms
When: After Dinner
How: Laptop
Changes & Why:

April 30
What: Production Blog
Where: Study Rooms
When: Early Morning
How: Laptop
Changes & Why:

May 1-6
What:  Record Footage
Where: Library Map Room
When: After Basketball
How: Laptop
Changes & Why:

May 6
What: Submit Video and Edit
Where: Study Room
When: After Math Final - 5
How: Laptop
Changes & Why:

Content Outline

This outline will break down my Project 4 assignment. This outline will be in the form of how my video will look/sound. I have no clue how I should incorporate evidence.

Opening Section:

*Intro Music* to grab attention
Introduce Myself* grab attention of viewer by making it more personal
"Over this semester taking English 109H has improved my writing skills, time management/ writing process, and peer editing skills"

Body Sections:

(1) Writing Skills 
Talks about how writing in different genre changed and improved my writing. Talk about how writing in high school and how your writing has advanced since.

Evidence: How I thought there was only one way to write and how I used to not use my voice.
Proves: That English 109H has expanded my writing and helped me incorporate my own voice into my work.

(2) Writing Process / Time Management

Talk about how I used to never analyze audience or genre convention. Talk about how all the blogs made sure I got my work done in a timely matter. (Maybe talk about problems with my writing before and problems I still have)

Evidence: My old writing used to follow the same form and never really followed the conventions of the genre I was in. I used to also always procrastinate but now I am able to get my projects done with relatively little stress.
Proves: English 109H has made my writing process more in depth and has bettered my time management.

(3) Peer editing

Talk about how not only getting reviewed by other but looking at other work helped expand my writing process. Also talk about the struggle and problems I faced during this problem.

Evidence: People leaving good/bad feedback. Talk about how I copied some of the formats of other people posts (QRG's)  and used them for my own.
Proves: Using peer editing in English 109H has helped my writing process a lot.


How English 109H has helped. Final thoughts talking about how more people should take english and also how people should look at writing differently???? idk

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Peer Review for Avalon Lubera

I peer reviewed Avalon Lubera's standard college essay here

I made a content suggestion. Like my other peer review, her essay did not really need much work. The one thing I suggested is to add more sources to make her more credible. Find sources supporting decriminalization should be very easy but will improve her essay a lot. Right now she takes a good stance and I believe her points but a they are mostly un-cited. So adding these citations would make her essay much stronger.

Peer Review for Jake Gyles

I peer reviewed Jake Gyles open post here

I made a content suggestion. I suggested that he expand on the income counterargument. He briefly mentions it but does not really refute it. Especially since this is right before is conclusion, I think it is important that this counterargument be clearly refuted. Otherwise, I admired how complete is essay was. It did not look like he had a lot of work left to be done and should be ready to submit it.

Reflection on Local Revision Process

Audience Questions:

What were some of the successes? 

A big success was peer editing. I got a lot of helpful advice that made me come up with a much more visually appealing QRG.

What were some of the challenges?

The biggest challenge was still formatting. Making a QRG look good is easily the most difficult part of the QRG for me because I was always switching it up.

How do you think next week will go?

 New project means more procrastination so if I stay on track it will go smoothly.

How are you feeling overall about the project?

I feel like peer editing made it look better. I am much more confident about my QRG now than before.

Editorial Report 13b

Audience Questions

What changed about you content? How is it better?

I did not change my content at all. It is the same as before.

What changed about your form? How is it better?

One of the suggestions I got from my peers was to highlight certain important words and sentences. This helps the reader learn what he is supposed to learn and draws his eyes to important information.

Rough Cut

The primary goal of almost every business is to maximize its profits; and reducing the amount of money it spends is arguably the best way a business can maximize profit. This is one of the primary reason why businesses are now outsourcing some of their jobs. Simply put, its cheaper to outsource something than to have it done domestically and when you are trying to maximize profits, the cheaper option is usually the best.

Re-edited Version

The primary goal of almost every business is to maximize its profits; and reducing the amount of money it spends is arguably the best way a business can maximize profit. This is one of the primary reason why businesses are now outsourcing some of their jobs. Simply put, its cheaper to outsource something than to have it done domestically and when you are trying to maximize profits, the cheaper option is usually the best.

Editorial Report 13a

Audience Questions:

What changed about the content? How is it better?

I added an entirely new paragraph. This helps give more insight on why companies outsource.

What changed about the form? How is it better?

This lengthen my QRG making it look more like a QRG than before. It also helped my QRG flow from topic to topic.

Original Version
The primary goal of almost every business is to maximize its profits; and reducing the amount of money it spends is arguably the best way a business can maximize profit. This is one of the primary reason why businesses are now outsourcing some of their jobsSimply put, its cheaper to outsource something than to have it done domestically and when you are trying to maximize profits, the cheaper option is usually the best.

One thing that makes outsourcing cheaper is labor cost reduction. The standard of living in countries that are outsourced to tends to be lower than that of the outsourcing country. This allows the company to pay workers lower wages since living there is cheaper than domestically. For example, an engineer in India would earn about $5,000 - $7,500 however in America, that same position would earn $50,000 to $75,000 (Mierau). This stark difference is why India is one of the leading countries jobs are being outsourced to.  "Businesses not only save on payroll taxes and employee benefits, but also save on the direct salaries and hourly wages (Ashe-Edmunds)." Furthermore, the lower labor cost allows the company to lower its prices and beat out the prices of competitors which in-tern increases the sales of the company as a whole. 

Re-edited Version
The primary goal of almost every business is to maximize its profits; and reducing the amount of money it spends is arguably the best way a business can maximize profit. This is one of the primary reason why businesses are now outsourcing some of their jobsSimply put, its cheaper to outsource something than to have it done domestically and when you are trying to maximize profits, the cheaper option is usually the best.

One thing that makes outsourcing cheaper is labor cost reduction. The standard of living in countries that are outsourced to tends to be lower than that of the outsourcing country. This allows the company to pay workers lower wages since living there is cheaper than domestically. For example, an engineer in India would earn about $5,000 - $7,500 however in America, that same position would earn $50,000 to $75,000 (Mierau). This stark difference is why India is one of the leading countries jobs are being outsourced to.  "Businesses not only save on payroll taxes and employee benefits, but also save on the direct salaries and hourly wages (Ashe-Edmunds)." Furthermore, the lower labor cost allows the company to lower its prices and beat out the prices of competitors which in-tern increases the sales of the company as a whole. 

Another reason companies outsource, is certain countries have better tax laws and more lenient regulations than their domestic country. For instance, the Indian government is promoting outsourcing by encouraging foreign businesses to work with Indian companies. These encouragement include tax-breaks, government contracts, or reduced tariffs on their goods just to name a few.  Also, these countries often have multiple companies that you can outsource to. This encourages the a company to maintains a standard quality of product because if an outsourcing company does not like the quality it can just find another company to outsource to. 

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Revised Post to Peer Reviewers

Click here to view my fine cut.

One weakness is my lack of white space. I feel like my QRG looks very clustered and blocky. I still need help and suggestions on how I can make more space.

I believe my strongest thing is my statistics and quotes but I also am not sure if I should add more.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Peer Review of Jason Boley

I reviewed Jason Boley standard college essay. You can find my comment here as well as a link to his paper.

I decided to make a form suggestion. I suggested he proof-read his paper as well as stick to the conventions of the style his paper is in. This will make him look more credible if his paper follows the rules of a standard college essay.

I used previous suggestions from my own standard college essay. I saw a lot of the mistakes I made being made by him so it felt good trying to guide someone who is in the same position I was.

The best thing about his paper is how knowledgeable he is on the topic. The paper did a great job of informing me and he did an excellent job at using sources to add to what he was saying.

Peer Review for Emily Bond

I peer reviewed Emily's QRG. Click here to view my comment and also a link to here rough draft.

I made a form and content suggestion. I think my suggestions of adding white space would help make the QRG easier to view as well as follow genre conventions. I also think my suggestion of telling her to take a stance is critical for this project. A lot of the QRG was informative and their wasn't a real stance taken by her on the controversy.

The used the genre examples of the QRG on D2L as well as what we talked about in class.

The thing I admired about Emily's QRG was its completion. None of my suggestions involved major revising but minor details that could use work. Her project was also extremely informative which makes me think I need to add more facts to my own QRG.

Reflection on global review process

Overall I am very excited to almost be done with Project 3, English 109H, and this semester.

Audience Questions?

What were some of the successes during this weeks process work?

The biggest success of this week was find pictures and links to add into my QRG. I had a lot of background data but I was missing a lot of the substance that is found in the genre of a QRG.

What were some of the challenges?

The biggest challenge this week was finding time to work on my project. For the past three weeks I have been extremely busy and finding time to work on English has been hard. Also formatting my QRG has been very difficult.

How do you think next week will go?

I think next week will go much smoother. My schedule clears up a lot and I do not have any upcoming tests to worry about.

How are you feeling about the project overall at this point?

I am feeling much more confident. If I can find a way to make my QRG look visually appealing I think I will be much less stressed.

Open Post to Peer Reviewers

Audience Question:

What are you anticipating the post production process will be like, based on the production phase?

I think I am through the hardest part of Project 3 so the rest should not be that bad. It is just editing now and looking at my peer-reviews to see what they think I should change.

Author Response:

Click here to view my QRG. Please be honest on what you think about it. I feel like I need more hyperlinks and white space so any suggestions on what to hyperlink or where I could add more white space will be greatly appreciated. I am also aware that the quote at the end is formatted weird but I have no clue how to fix that since it happened when I was converting the word to a google doc

Editorial Report 12b

Audience Questions

What changed about the content? How is it better?

I added a lot more content which helps the audience get a better background on outsourcing.

What changed about the form? How is it better?

Not much really changed about my form. My QRG is still broken down into similar parts but like I said in the other report, it just flows better when I added more information.

Orignal Text

Much Older Than You May Think

The idea of outsourcing is not a new one. It goes back to the beginning of civilization,  when people began to live in communities and realize that they are unable to make everything they wanted. To solve this, people began to look for and trade with other communities that could produce what they wanted.

Re-edited Text

Much Older Than You May Think

The idea of outsourcing is not a new one. It goes back to the beginning of civilization,  when people began to live in communities and realize that they are unable to make everything they wanted. To solve this, people began to look for and trade with other communities that could produce what they wanted. This benefited both communities because one was receiving a good at a cheaper cost while the other was gaining business from selling the good which helped stimulate its economy. One could consider this type of trading as an early form of outsourcing. 

As civilizations developed, outsourcing became more and more common. However, it was the Industrial Revolution that sparked the massive amount of outsourcing that we see today. During the Industrial Revolution, companies began to outsource services that they usually did themselves. Instead of taking a product through the entire production stage (from raw material to finished good), businesses began to realize that they could save a lot of money if they payed someone else to do part of the process for them. Soon enough, other businesses realized that they were unable to match the price of goods produced by companies that outsourced so they themselves began outsourcing and just like that outsourcing took off. Due to their lower labor costs abroad, companies began to look foreign countries to outsource labor. 

Editorial Report 12a

Audience Questions

How did the content change?

In general I did not have a lot of content so I added a lot of information.

How did the form change?

My QRG is much smoother since I actually have text to flow together.

Original Text

The primary goal of almost every business is to maximize its profits; and reducing the amount of money it spends is arguably the best way a business can maximize profit. This is one of the primary reason why businesses are now outsourcing some of their jobs

Re-edited Text
The primary goal of almost every business is to maximize its profits; and reducing the amount of money it spends is arguably the best way a business can maximize profit. This is one of the primary reason why businesses are now outsourcing some of their jobsSimply put, its cheaper to outsource something than to have it done domestically and when you are trying to maximize profits, the cheaper option is usually the best.

One thing that makes outsourcing cheaper is labor cost reduction. The standard of living in countries that are outsourced to tends to be lower than that of the outsourcing country. This allows the company to pay workers lower wages since living there is cheaper than domestically. For example, an engineer in India would earn about $5,000 - $7,500 however in America, that same position would earn $50,000 to $75,000 (Mierau). This stark difference is why India is one of the leading countries jobs are being outsourced to.  "Businesses not only save on payroll taxes and employee benefits, but also save on the direct salaries and hourly wages (Ashe-Edmunds)." Furthermore, the lower labor cost allows the company to lower its prices and beat out the prices of competitors which in-tern increases the sales of the company as a whole. 

Peer Review for Alexis Morgan

I peer reviewed Alexis Morgan's open post here

I made a content suggestion. You can tell she has a very strong opinion on her issue because it is an issue for women and gender eqaulity today. However I think her opinions are voiced to strongly and she did not really expand on counter arguments. I suggested that she find  more sources that disagree with her  (which is really hard because I tried too).  I liked how you could feel her passion when you read it. Having emotion for your topic translates to emotion in the paper which makes it a better paper. This is something I have always struggled with.

Reflection on Production

I am glad to be finally done with my production phase. I have a rough draft that still needs to be edited however.

My Reflection:

What are some successes of this week?

I started off with a lot of information and a lot of sources and something that went well for me was actually breaking down these sources and weeding out the excess information I did not need.

What were some of the challenges of this week?

The main challenge I have had is figuring out how to get more white space into my QRG. I feel like it is very clumpy right now and I will be looking for suggestions in the coming weeks on how to fix it.

How do you think next week will go?

Its mostly just editing now so I think next week wont be that tough.

How are you feeling about the project overall at this point?

Im feeling very good about it. I know I need some work done still but I think I have a good base.

Production Report 11b

This is my second production report. As if I did not have enough, I am still finding sources to include in my paper.

Audience Questions:

How did you decide to use form to present your content in the raw material you've shared here? How did the conventions of your chosen genre influence your choices?

Like in my other production report, I am just typing the text for my QRG and then denoting certain parts with (quote on the side here) or (hyperlink) to remind me to add the rest of the information that is a convention of QRGs.  I will specifically be talking about my first main point in this production report.

How did the production of this raw material go?

This is probably the most important and lengthy part of my QRG.  I will be presenting a majority of the reasons I support outsourcing and I believe this is were most of my audience will either be convinced or not.  During this part I did have some trouble deciding were to put my statistics so that it flowed smoothly but I think I did the best for now. 

Outline Item: 

Main Idea (1): "Why Outsource?"  Explain the benefits of outsourcing a company receives
Evidence: Statistics and Charts
Proves: Companies stand to gain a lot by outsourcing by saving them a lot of money.
Evidence: Quotes and References (Hyperlinks to other articles?)

Proves: Outsourcing opens up a lot of opportunities

Adaptation of Outline:

Why Outsource?

The primary goal of almost every business is to maximize its profits; and reducing the amount of money it spends is arguably the best way a business can maximize profit. This is one of the primary reason why businesses are now outsourcing some of their jobs.

Production Report 11a

The production is going very smoothly. Writing the text for my QRG has not been difficult at all.

Audience Questions:

How did you decide to use form to present your content in the raw material you've shared here? How did the conventions of your chosen genre influence your choice?

I have decided to just compile all the texts for my QRG before adding any images. I already know what I want to hyperlink but I plan on using someone else's QRG as a template and then insert my own information.  The material I have chosen to post is the introduction to my QRG.

How did the production of this raw material go?

It went very well. I was able to draw on my sources a lot and I feel confident that my introduction is attention grabbing like I want it to be. I am worried about what image I should start off with that will also capture the attention of my audience.

Outline Item:

Introduction: History of Outsourcing
Attention Grabber: The definition of outsourcing followed by how old the idea of outsourcing is.

Adaptation of Outline:

What is Outsourcing?

According to Dr. Robert Handfield, outsourcing is described as "the strategic use of outside resources to perform activities traditionally handled by internal staff and resources." In other words, outsourcing is when a business uses someone, who does not work for them, to do a job deemed as to expensive, tedious, or not important enough to use their own staff and resources. The person/company that they outsource to  tends to do the job for a lower price then what it would cost the company if they did it themselves. The money that a company can save by outsourcing is one of the main initiatives (better word?)  that causes a company to outsource. 

Much Older Than You May Think

The idea of outsourcing is not a new one. It goes back to the beginning of civilization,  when people began to live in communities and realize that they are unable to make everything they wanted. To solve this, people began to look for and trade with other communities that could produce what they wanted.