Sunday, April 24, 2016

Editorial Report 13a

Audience Questions:

What changed about the content? How is it better?

I added an entirely new paragraph. This helps give more insight on why companies outsource.

What changed about the form? How is it better?

This lengthen my QRG making it look more like a QRG than before. It also helped my QRG flow from topic to topic.

Original Version
The primary goal of almost every business is to maximize its profits; and reducing the amount of money it spends is arguably the best way a business can maximize profit. This is one of the primary reason why businesses are now outsourcing some of their jobsSimply put, its cheaper to outsource something than to have it done domestically and when you are trying to maximize profits, the cheaper option is usually the best.

One thing that makes outsourcing cheaper is labor cost reduction. The standard of living in countries that are outsourced to tends to be lower than that of the outsourcing country. This allows the company to pay workers lower wages since living there is cheaper than domestically. For example, an engineer in India would earn about $5,000 - $7,500 however in America, that same position would earn $50,000 to $75,000 (Mierau). This stark difference is why India is one of the leading countries jobs are being outsourced to.  "Businesses not only save on payroll taxes and employee benefits, but also save on the direct salaries and hourly wages (Ashe-Edmunds)." Furthermore, the lower labor cost allows the company to lower its prices and beat out the prices of competitors which in-tern increases the sales of the company as a whole. 

Re-edited Version
The primary goal of almost every business is to maximize its profits; and reducing the amount of money it spends is arguably the best way a business can maximize profit. This is one of the primary reason why businesses are now outsourcing some of their jobsSimply put, its cheaper to outsource something than to have it done domestically and when you are trying to maximize profits, the cheaper option is usually the best.

One thing that makes outsourcing cheaper is labor cost reduction. The standard of living in countries that are outsourced to tends to be lower than that of the outsourcing country. This allows the company to pay workers lower wages since living there is cheaper than domestically. For example, an engineer in India would earn about $5,000 - $7,500 however in America, that same position would earn $50,000 to $75,000 (Mierau). This stark difference is why India is one of the leading countries jobs are being outsourced to.  "Businesses not only save on payroll taxes and employee benefits, but also save on the direct salaries and hourly wages (Ashe-Edmunds)." Furthermore, the lower labor cost allows the company to lower its prices and beat out the prices of competitors which in-tern increases the sales of the company as a whole. 

Another reason companies outsource, is certain countries have better tax laws and more lenient regulations than their domestic country. For instance, the Indian government is promoting outsourcing by encouraging foreign businesses to work with Indian companies. These encouragement include tax-breaks, government contracts, or reduced tariffs on their goods just to name a few.  Also, these countries often have multiple companies that you can outsource to. This encourages the a company to maintains a standard quality of product because if an outsourcing company does not like the quality it can just find another company to outsource to. 

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