Sunday, April 17, 2016

Production Report 11a

The production is going very smoothly. Writing the text for my QRG has not been difficult at all.

Audience Questions:

How did you decide to use form to present your content in the raw material you've shared here? How did the conventions of your chosen genre influence your choice?

I have decided to just compile all the texts for my QRG before adding any images. I already know what I want to hyperlink but I plan on using someone else's QRG as a template and then insert my own information.  The material I have chosen to post is the introduction to my QRG.

How did the production of this raw material go?

It went very well. I was able to draw on my sources a lot and I feel confident that my introduction is attention grabbing like I want it to be. I am worried about what image I should start off with that will also capture the attention of my audience.

Outline Item:

Introduction: History of Outsourcing
Attention Grabber: The definition of outsourcing followed by how old the idea of outsourcing is.

Adaptation of Outline:

What is Outsourcing?

According to Dr. Robert Handfield, outsourcing is described as "the strategic use of outside resources to perform activities traditionally handled by internal staff and resources." In other words, outsourcing is when a business uses someone, who does not work for them, to do a job deemed as to expensive, tedious, or not important enough to use their own staff and resources. The person/company that they outsource to  tends to do the job for a lower price then what it would cost the company if they did it themselves. The money that a company can save by outsourcing is one of the main initiatives (better word?)  that causes a company to outsource. 

Much Older Than You May Think

The idea of outsourcing is not a new one. It goes back to the beginning of civilization,  when people began to live in communities and realize that they are unable to make everything they wanted. To solve this, people began to look for and trade with other communities that could produce what they wanted. 

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