Sunday, April 17, 2016

Peer Review for Emily Bond

I peer reviewed Emily's QRG. Click here to view my comment and also a link to here rough draft.

I made a form and content suggestion. I think my suggestions of adding white space would help make the QRG easier to view as well as follow genre conventions. I also think my suggestion of telling her to take a stance is critical for this project. A lot of the QRG was informative and their wasn't a real stance taken by her on the controversy.

The used the genre examples of the QRG on D2L as well as what we talked about in class.

The thing I admired about Emily's QRG was its completion. None of my suggestions involved major revising but minor details that could use work. Her project was also extremely informative which makes me think I need to add more facts to my own QRG.

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