Sunday, April 3, 2016

Rhetorical Analysis of Project 3

For Project 3 I will be focusing on social injustices in America in particular racial profiling and the disparities faced by many minorities in America.

Audience Questions

How thoroughly do you understand project 3?

I have a very good understanding of what I have to do for this project. I am making a QRG that will form an argument on a current controversy. I need to do a lot of research on my controversy to make sure that I have all my facts straight. I also need to follow the conventions of a QRG.

How well prepared are you for what's coming next in the course? 

I feel moderately prepared for what is coming. I will look at other QRG as well as work with my peers to form the best product. I have never done a QRG so I will be heavily relying on my what I have seen from other QRG's.

My Response

1. I am planning on focusing my QRG on social injustices in America. In high-school, I took an ethnic studies class which talked about a lot of the things I plan on bringing up in my QRG. Although this does not have a lot to do with my major, it is something I have been interested in for a while. Watching the news recently, there always seems to be some social injustice going on. Whether it is unfair sentencing, police brutality, or any of the other social issues faced in modern America; its hard to avoid hearing about this on news.

2. The most obvious personal bias on my part is that I am a minority. As a minority, I am going to look at social injustice differently than someone who is not. A lot of what I will talk about in my QRG is stuff that I have/maybe subject to in my life. However, I come from a middle-class family and a lot of the social injustices I will talk about in my QRG target lower income families. This means that I am biased and some of my opinions will favor the middle class lifestyle I know.


1. I believe my audience will be split on the views I present in my QRG. Social injustice is such a controversial thing because not everyone experiences it in the same way. This leads to people having polar viewpoints on certain social issues.

2. They probably will agree that their are many social injustices. However, they might not agree on how serious the issue is or who is involved.

3. I think my QRG will present the real facts that many people do not know. I hope this convinces the audience on my point or at least gets them to think differently on social injustice.

4. I will target my QRG for people around my age. Social movements are often started by the young generation so I believe that having my QRG targeting this generation will make it most effective. I will try to stay unbiased and show that I understand both sides of the story.

5. I will start off by listing the general facts that everyone knows and has heard of. Then I will find the shocking statistics to keep my audience interested. Most people who follow the news have some idea about social injustice so I think it is important not to bore them with something that they already know.


1. My main goal is to inform the audience on things they did not know. Like I said before, most people following the news have heard about some form of social injustice. The purpose of this QRG is not to bring back the same information that everyone knows but to bring up new things that they might not know.

2. I have chosen a very broad topic because I honestly could not think of anything else. The first thing I need to do is turn it into an argument and then find people on both sides of the argument and see how they feel. There is still a lot of research to be done.


1. I will be using a Quick Reference Guide.

2.These are aimed at younger people who tend to be on the internet. It is also aimed for people who do not want to delve to deep into a subject but still want to get all the important information.

3. I have never made a quick reference guide so I will be looking at the examples provided on d2l as well as asking my peers who have already made them.

4. I am not excited to work with this genre because I have only heard negative things about how hard they are to create.

5. The best things about QRGs is that you can link to other sources. This means I do not have to go to in-depth on what I am discussing but instead can just defer to another source who can probably explain it better.


1. This is all over the news for the past couple of years although it goes much further back than that. I still have to find a specific topic before I can break something down,

2. Women Injustice, Mental Health, Race, Religious

3. Defending Ferguson, Criticizing Islam, Wage Gap, Another Wage Gap

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