Sunday, April 17, 2016

Reflection on global review process

Overall I am very excited to almost be done with Project 3, English 109H, and this semester.

Audience Questions?

What were some of the successes during this weeks process work?

The biggest success of this week was find pictures and links to add into my QRG. I had a lot of background data but I was missing a lot of the substance that is found in the genre of a QRG.

What were some of the challenges?

The biggest challenge this week was finding time to work on my project. For the past three weeks I have been extremely busy and finding time to work on English has been hard. Also formatting my QRG has been very difficult.

How do you think next week will go?

I think next week will go much smoother. My schedule clears up a lot and I do not have any upcoming tests to worry about.

How are you feeling about the project overall at this point?

I am feeling much more confident. If I can find a way to make my QRG look visually appealing I think I will be much less stressed.

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