Sunday, February 21, 2016

Brutally Honest Self-Assessment

"Get Brutally Honest" 06/29/15 via spiritual river. Public Domain Dedication License
In this blog I will give myself a brutally honest self-assessment on my project 1.

1) I feel very good about the project I submitted.  Garageband was an absolute nightmare to figure out so I had to work my way around certain things but in the end I think I did a good job.

2) My weakest element is the fact that I stutter sometimes in my podcast. Reading off the scripts was hard for me because I would improvise as I went along and then I would lose my spot and have to find it again. Garage band was so difficult for me to work and kept on crashing so I was not able to edit out these stutters. I think it is a weakness because stuttering distracts the audience away from the message you are trying to get across.

3) A major strength of my post is how unbiased I remained. I tried my best to leave out my personal opinion on many things and just let my sources speak for themselves. I think this is a strength because the purpose of this project was not to impose you ideas on your audience but to instead allow your audience to come to their own conclusions.

4) Project 1 wiped the floor with me. My time management was horrendous and I am glad that I still was able to get it done. I have definitely learned that procrastinating is the worst thing you can ever do for this class. I missed blog posts simply because I ran out of time and for the remainder of the semester I determined to not repeat the mistakes I made.

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