Saturday, February 6, 2016

The Setting

Pere, Joan "Stanford University- Hoover Tower" 07/23/2008 via wikicommons. Public Domain Dedication License
This blog post will be about Stanford University, where the research lab of Hiromitsu Nakauchi is located. He is one of the researchers at the center of the debate on whether human stem cells should be placed in animal embryos

Once you enter Stanford University you will walk down a long road. At the end of this road is a tall stone building called Hoover Tower. There, on a warm fall evening, you will always find students sitting under the beautiful multi-colored trees studying or just socializing. Pine trees are also in abundance and their fragrance becomes very noticeable the closer you get to them.

The loud cheers from the crowd and the rumbling of the stage can be heard for blocks around the stadium. Also, Stanford has a beautiful sunset to the backdrop of the pine trees and old buildings. Often times during the late evening you will see students sitting in the grass or going on top of one of the buildings and watching the sun set.

Around campus, there are also plenty of elaborately designed fountains that students often sit at.  There are also a lot of small shops where you can by an assortment of things from. The buildings themselves have an old fashion look to them which draws a lot of tourist attraction. Tourists are easy to spot at Stanford not just because there are a lot of them but also because they are always taking pictures of all the buildings and fountains, something a Stanford student does not do.

Since Stanford is close to the Google head quarters, you often see google bikes and cars zipping through campus. These are easy to spot because they usually have “Google” written on them. Another popular thing at Stanford is the football games on Saturday’s.

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