Sunday, February 14, 2016

Peer Review 2

I reviewed  Gabby Dietrich post using the rubric here. I also reviewed Joshua Smith post here

1) Seeing Gabby go from the script to an actual podcast I learned how I want my podcast to be. Gabby had a great introduction that helped guide me into the actual podcast and I want to do a similar thing for mine. I also like how she used music in between segment in order to give the audience a break from her talking.

2) The top three issues with my draft is my lack of actual audio, my lack of an intro, and my lack of music in the podcast. All of these things make it easier for the audience to listen to my podcast and I feel like these are three of the most important conventions of having a podcast. To address this issue I have already found music as well as typed a better intro to my podcast.

3) The three strength of my draft are my use of quotes, my descriptions, and the fact that I remain unbiased. All of these tie together when the audience makes a decision on which side of the debate they are on. I do not want the audience to know how I feel, rather I want them to use my quotes and description to come to their own conclusion on the matter. I will build on these strength by including a better intro as well as music so I can make the audience feel less burdened when listening to my podcast.

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