Sunday, February 7, 2016

Stake Holder #3

Mitchinson, Dennis. "14th Information Hiding Conference" 05/15/2012 via mitchinson. Public Domain Dedication License
This post will be about claims made by Pablo Ross as well as a description of the University of California Davis.

Pablo Ross is a middle aged man with jet-black hair. He is clean shaven and well dressed. He has thick eyebrows, a long nose, and a dimple on his chin. His labs are located on the UC Davis campus.

UC Davis is a beautiful campus filled with great architecture, fountains, and college students. A lot of the buildings at UC Davis have entire sides of them made of glass. This gives the buildings a more futuristic look. There are plenty of trees and grass areas where you can find students relaxing in. Driving in to the campus you will see grape vines growing on both sides. These grapes are harvested and used to make wine which is its own department at the UC Davis.

The West Apartments have a great pool surrendered by buildings with solar panels on the roof. This goes with the entire trend of the campus being more futuristic. They also have plenty of bike racks which are often filled to capacity when classes are in session.  Outside of the Mondavi Center you will find a lot of young trees that were planted a couple years ago. This is another common place for people who like to relax and enjoy nature.


"To determine the ideal conditions for generating human-animal chimeras

We don’t want to grow them to stages we don’t need to, since that would be more controversial

"What if the embryo that develops is mostly human? It’s something that we don’t expect, but no one has done this experiment, so we can’t rule it out."

These claims were said by Pablo Ross. They carry a lot of weight because it shows how they still do not know much on where to store these creations or what living conditions they should be under. It also shows how they still are not sure as to what they are creating or if they are doing it right. Ross handles the human-animal chimeras directly so his word is valid. 

This echoes some of the claims made by the National Institutes of Health. There is not enough research on this topic and this is what is making a lot of people nervous. None of the scientists know what to expect because no one has done it before.

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