Sunday, February 28, 2016

Report on My Interviews

This blog post will be about the interviews I conducted for my project.
Grossman, Scott. "Interview Questions"09/22/2015 via dynamicassociates.  Public Domain Dedication License
The most significant genre I learned from my reports is peer edited publications. Three specific genres from my field of study are classroom Powerpoint presentations, peer edited publications, and book chapters.

These genres differ on the audience as well as what is being presented. Powerpoints are mainly used for teaching students as well as presenting at conventions. It is emphasized that there are not a lot of words per slide because it bores the audience since they can just read what you are going to say. Peer edited publications are what  build the credibility of a researcher as well as keep people in his field updated on any new developments. These are usually filled with information on research that the scientist has completed. Lastly book chapters are used when someone is an expert in a certain field and is needed to write on their expertise in a book.

The most difficult thing about these genres is getting all the information to your audience in a clear and concise manner. Scientific writing is not supposed to be fluffy. It is supposed to be straight to the point using as little words as possible.  There are often difficult and complex topics to discuss for scientific writing so helping the audience understand what you are talking about is important for all of these genres.

Examples of these reports can be found in scientific journals or websites.

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