Sunday, February 21, 2016

Local Revision: Pronoun Usage

This blog post will be about my usage of pronouns in project 1.

"Revision" 09/25/2009 via wikispaces. Public Domain Dedication License
1) I think I did a good job with my pronoun usage. I said a lot of "you" because I was trying to connect with the audience and get them more engaged in my podcast. I tried to avoid talking about me as much as possible because this podcast is for me to inform people not for me to share my views on the controversy.  Examining my pronoun usage tells me if I need to try harder to connect with my audience or if I need to spend less time talking about myself.

2) My introduction and conclusion is me speaking directly to the audience. For my conclusion, I ask the audience for feedback. I think this is effective because it shows the audience that I care about their opinion and want to hear back from them. Doing a podcast, I know I am trying to get people to listen for hopefully the entire thing and that means keeping them engaged and not having it seem like it is just me rambling.

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