Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Peer Review 1

I reviewed Alec Eulano's podcast.  Here is my rubric.  I am also doing a podcast for my controversy so this is why I chose to peer-review his. However, I came down with strep this week and was unable to record any of my audio. Listening to Alec's podcast the two mistakes I noticed both had to do with his ending. There was no end music and their was no conclusion at all it just abruptly stopped. This is something that he said he had problems with in his introductory paper and helping him brainstorm for potential endings also helped me figure out how I want to end mine. Two things I liked were his introduction and the way he lead into the quotes and did not just throw them out there. Both of these things really helped with the flow of the podcast itself and both of them I plan on doing when I finally make my podcast.

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