Sunday, February 28, 2016

My Interviewees on Social Media

This blog will be about my interviewees on social media and was the easiest blog for me to do because they had no social media that I could find.
Bivins, Todd. "Social Media" 02/24/2014 via insightmakerting. Public Domain Dedication License

Surprisingly, I could not find my interviewees on any form of social media including LinkedIn. I found Dr. Wright mentioned in tweets and facebook posts but I could not find his profile. For Dr. Riggs, there were so many Michael Riggs that I soon gave up scrolling through the searched people on Facebook. 

Seeing as how I could find nothing on them, I would describe their social media presence as nonexistent. I also learned nothing about them from social media because the few tweets and posts that mentioned Dr. Wright contained information I already knew about him from doing previous blogs.

Continuing on this lack of social media presence, they inherently have no social media persona aside from the fact that they are researchers at the University of Arizona. 

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