Saturday, February 6, 2016

Analysis of My Rhetorical Situation

Angela Gunter. "Introduction to Rhetoric" 08/28/2011 via wikispaces. Public Domain Dedication License

This blog will be about me analyzing the rhetorical situation for my project
The Audience

The audience for my podcast will most likely be my fellow English 109H students and my professor. Another potential viewer may be researchers interested in the debate on the ethics of stem-cell use in the medical field. Both could potentially have seen the same article on Discovery News that grabbed my attention.

Seeing as how this podcast will only be available on the internet,  the media my audience uses will also be the internet. Most of my views will probably come from college students which means I can say that a variety of economic classes, ethnicities, religious beliefs, and political affiliations will view my podcast. It is not meant to be limited nor specialized for a specific group of people.

These viewers will likely value an honest unbiased opinion. It does not take much internet searching to know the sides of this debate but this, being a neutral report, is supposed to not favor any of the sides.

This leads me right to what my viewers likely do not value which is bias. This podcast is supposed to be a breath of fresh air from all of the arguing. My viewer expects to be able to sit down and listen to my podcast and hear both sides of the story and from there make their own judgement.

My Purpose

The purpose of my podcast will be informing my audience on the controversy behind stem-cells. I want to make them feel very informed and that they have a very good knowledge on the history as well as what is at stake for both groups of the argument. I also want them to be able to understand how this taking place in the 21st century has effected who is involved and why they are involved. I plan on doing a very detailed job so I am not worried that the audience will not get some of the contextual ideas.

The Author

Something unique I bring to this project is background research experience in medical labs. Although I am not experienced in the procedures for stem-cell extraction and usage, I have worked at the National Institute of Drug Abuse and the Thomas Jefferson Medical University and thus have gained experience with many other important lab techniques.

This story is perfect for me because I want to go to medical school. This story talks a lot about science and medicine which is something that has been a passion of mine since a very young age.

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