Sunday, February 7, 2016

Stakeholder #2

Pere, Joan "Stanford University- Hoover Tower" 07/23/2008 via wikicommons. Public Domain Dedication License

This post will be about Hiromitsu Nakauchi and his lab which is a primary stake holder for the controversy.

Hiromitsu Nakauchi works at Stanford University. He is a short Japanese man with glasses. He has a soft spoken and kind mannerism. He still has a thick amount of hair on the side of his head but is clearly going bald down the middle. He is clean shaven with relatively few wrinkles and dimples on his cheek. There is no feature on his face that stands out as bigger or smaller than average. Being raised in Japan he naturally has Japanese accent.
His lab is located right off of Campus Drive which runs through the middle of Stanford University. This building is very modern looking with a lot of glass. It has a nice outside area that is partially covered by a red roof protruding from the building.  Inside, there is a huge common area where you can see the labs on all three of the floors. The labs themselves are spacious with a lot of natural light getting in due to all of the windows.


This was said by Hiromitsu Nakauchi. However once he gives them a full explanation, most of them accept the idea. This claim has a lot of weight because it how a lot of the researchers feel the public think about their work. The claim is also credible since it is how many people do actually feel on the usage of stem cells. 

This was also said by Hiromitsu Nakuachi has he believes that since he created mice with rat pancreas he should be able to create a pig with human organs. This claim has a lot of weight because it is the basis behind this entire side of the controversy. It is also credible because early studies have shown that such a creation is possible.

 This was said by Hiromistu Nakuachi. There is little research in this field in general so there is little research to be found that can back up this claim. But it does still carry a lot of weight seeing as how all the researchers trying to create these human-animal embryos are hoping that it is true.

These claims are similar to the ones made by researchers in other labs. However they are extremely different than the ones made by the National Institute of Health who believe there isn’t enough research to make any claims on this subject.

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