Saturday, February 6, 2016

The Big Event

Fontaine, Dimitri. "Another Great Fosdem" 02/04/2013 via tapoueh. Public Domain Dedication License

This blog post will be about the article that started/re-ignited the stem-cell debate.

On January 11, 2016 Tracy Staedter, a journalist for discover news, published an article about human-animal hybrids being grown for organ transplants. The way they are doing this is by placing stem cells into the embryos of sheep and pigs and letting them grow into the needed organ which is then harvested.

This ignited a debate not only because the use of stem-cells is very controversial but because people are worrying that the stem cells could give the animals human characteristics and maybe even intelligence. Naturally stem-cells want to specialize so people feel that mixing them with animal cells will cause them to form human-animal hybrids.

 The reason this work is being done is because there is a long list of people waiting for organ donations. People can be on the wait list for years as it is often hard for them to find the perfect match or sometimes there are just not enough donors. Scientists are hoping that this new method of organ-creation will help expedite the process of waiting for an organ-transplant.

Ignoring the controversy, labs have already begun injecting embryos with stem cells. Since there is not much known about growing human organs in animals, these efforts are more about seeing what will happen not actually producing a working organ. The National Institute of Health is taking a wait and see approach with these studies and refusing to fund them until the science behind it has been more closely examined.

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