Thursday, April 21, 2016

Revised Post to Peer Reviewers

Click here to view my fine cut.

One weakness is my lack of white space. I feel like my QRG looks very clustered and blocky. I still need help and suggestions on how I can make more space.

I believe my strongest thing is my statistics and quotes but I also am not sure if I should add more.


  1. It looks really good so far! There are a few things about the form you need to fix. The white space is good, it just gets a little awkward at parts. For example, the spacing on page number 8 is not correct. Also, make sure the citation is directly under the image. I would also bold a few of the most important words or phrases to make them stand out and make your QRG more eye friendly.

  2. Nick, your project is really good! One thing I would change is the amount of white space that you have in some spaces. It has to do with the formatting of the page. Another thing I might take out is the picture near the bottom that is messing up the format of the paper but I might add a new one in its place. Other than that your project is great, keep it up for these last couple of weeks.

  3. It looks like you're making a solid argument so far. I appreciate the context that makes outsourcing seem like a less new and menacing subject.

    I had a couple of design suggestions that might help with the white space concern. It might be worth changing up how your QRG approaches its text. It doesn't necessarily have to be double-spaced--in fact, it could be worth it to try a smaller space between lines, which grants a little more freedom for putting white space between sections. Decreasing the spacing of individual blocks and adding a space or two between different ones (while maybe also removing the tabs at the start of paragraphs) could make sections more defined and less cluster-y, and could make the document feel more orderly and dynamic overall.

  4. Hi Nicolas,

    Some convention suggestions are to look at page 8, there is a lot of white space that can be fixed. Also, you probably don't need a works cited, just provide links for your sources within the text. Otherwise, nice job.

  5. Hey Nicholas!
    For my Peer Review Blogpost I made a few re-design suggestions for your QRG. To see what I had to say click here.
